Scouting App
See a full listing of all Connecticut River Council events.
Historical Trip (April/May)
End of the Year Awards and Picnic (June)
Scout Summer Camp (June)
Summer Adventure (July)
Troop 146's latest trip was a fishing success! Scouts hooked multiple fish, met badge requirements, and made progress towards rank goals. Congratulations on a job well done!
Troop 146 hosts a diverse array of activities each year. Explore upcoming events, learn about our troop's values, and get a glimpse into the wonderful experiences of being a boy scout. Whether you're a scout, a parent, or someone interested in joining, this is the place to get all the information you need.
Catch up with us on Facebook​ and Instagram​
Troop activity each month (generally)
Opening Ceremony (September)
Pumpkin Unloading (September)
Fall Campouts
Copyright BSA Troop 146. All Rights Reserved.
Meetings are held most Thursdays from 7:15-8:30 p.m.