BSA Troop 146

See a full listing of all Connecticut River Council events.

Historical Trip (April/May)
End of the Year Awards and Picnic (June)
Scout Summer Camp (June)
Summer Adventure (July)

Scout Spotlight


Troop 146's latest trip was a fishing success! Scouts hooked multiple fish, met badge requirements, and made progress towards rank goals. Congratulations on a job well done!

Troop 146 hosts a diverse array of activities each year. Explore upcoming events, learn about our troop's values, and get a glimpse into the wonderful experiences of being a boy scout. Whether you're a scout, a parent, or someone interested in joining, this is the place to get all the information you need. 

Catch up with us on Facebook​ and Instagram​

Troop activity each month (generally)
Opening Ceremony (September)
Pumpkin Unloading (September)

Fall Campouts

Copyright BSA Troop 146.  All Rights Reserved.

Calendar Highlights

Deep Sea Fishing with Troop 146!

Meetings are held most Thursdays from 7:15-8:30 p.m.