Historical Trips

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June 15, 2020

Troop 146 Meets Virtually, but with ‘Live’ Flag Raising

In The News

Memorial Day Event

 BSA Troop 146

Each year, 146 scouts celebrate Memorial Day by planting flags at Fairview Cemetery and attending the Memorial Day parade in West Hartford Center. This year's scouts helped elderly veteran get from their car to the stage, and our very own Assistant Scout Master and new Commander of the West Hartford American Legion, Ms. Heidi-Anne Mooney, addressed the crowd. Local troops also marched in the parade.


Copyright BSA Troop 146.  All Rights Reserved.

Each year Troop 146 goes on a historical trip. Below are some of the experiences we have been on in past years. Come see what we have been up to.

"West Hartford BSA Troop 146 like just about every organization has found itself meeting virtually on a regular basis which bring new challenges... The Troop has given a new twist to the presentation of the colors in that it is live from the front yard of a troop member where a formal flag raising can be seen by all, followed by the Pledge, Scout Oath, and Law." - WeHa
