BSA Troop 146

Parent's Corner  

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Camping Equipment

How to find time for Scouting, family and your busy life. - by Mark Ray

Hear from seven volunteers on how they find time for Scouting, family and a whole lot more — and you can, too. Go To Article

Becoming a scout and joining Troop 146 sometimes requires paperwork.
On this page you will find the resources you will need for both Troop 146
and the National BSA that will assist you on your scouting journey.


Troop 146 Parent Resources

Activities and Merit Badges



Boy Scout Summer Camp


BSA Materials

  • Informed Consent, Release Agreement, and Authorization Form -- It is necessary that special care be taken while our youth is enjoying the various activities scouting offers. This form is to gain legal guardian's permission to participate in scouting and for the BSA to understand each scouts medical and health needs so that they can have the safest and best experience possible.
    • Part A: Informed Consent, Release Agreement, and Authorization This form is the permission for the scout to participate in scout activities.
    • Part B1: General Information/Health History This information must be completed even if you are using a state (school) physical form. Please attach a currrent immunization schedule.
    • Part C: Physical Signed and dated by doctor within 1 year of first day of a scout season. You may substitute a doctor’s form or school form for Part C.
    • Part D: Addendum Completed, signed and dated by parent or guardian. This is required by the State of Connecticut.
  • Youth Protection Training (Login required)


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